Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New to the Blog world! new Blogger in the (new) house! :-0

Hello Blog world! I am so excited because this is my first blog! Wait... i considered a blogger now!?? LOL  i will be sharing my journey of my "oopsie Daisy" LIFE blogging about my hobbies & passions~ God, family, Make up, fashion, health, food, home decor & Love! I want this platform to be inspirational to others so please no negativity allowed! Also, i hope people can relate to my passions & joys in Life ...and of course have a great read! Life is so precious & i celebrate life everyday because God has given my life so much meaning through the ups & downs, blessings & trials of life's journey that i want to spread the love & light to others through blogging. So lets get this blogging started!

So it's been a crazy past couple of months! Moving isn't fun! It was bittersweet to say goodbye to our 1st home (newly build townhouse) of 5 years! We had great memories there but we are ready to build more memories in our new home! We bought a new single home...well more like we built a new construction home :-) Yay we are the first to live in it & i am hoping this will be our last move! It's a nice upgrade from our townhouse since our family is growing and need more space! Our girls are loving the new home! It's been about 2 months since we've settled in & everything still feels like a dream so we occasionally have to pinch ourselves to make sure it's real!!! This has been one of our dreams & goals to live in a home that we built together and here we are! It took a lot of hard work, teamwork, SAVING, discipline & trust in the Lord to get to where we are today! I believe that we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God! He always provides more than enough when you have faith, believe in each other & persevere towards your goal! Everything in our house reflects both my husband & I style and personality! I admit my hubby gave me most of the control to pick out all the interiors & exteriors to our house ...boy does he trust & Love me! I had a blast being involved in the process and i give so much props to the builders, contractors, architects, interior designers (all involved) etc w/ all their skills, vision & trade that contributed to our beautiful new home! There were ups & downs in the process of building a new home (good stress)  In the end, we both approved of everything and that's all that matters! We are both so very happy w/ the outcome of our place we call home sweet home! Here's a few pics through our building process (i only picked out the fun ones lol)

day 1- breaking ground building a strong foundation is very important! 

love seeing the progression of the house
ok i was super happy about how awesomely huge my walkin closet will be!
Truly humbled by this journey & what a blessing to own this new beauty we can all our home!

Sold :-) here we are cheesing in front of our new home! It was nice that we closed on the house a few days before our 10 year wedding anniversary! A nice gift for the both of us to enjoy!

I've gotten a lot of compliments from neighbors, family & friends about my red door! I absolutely love it too! I totally believe that the exterior & interior of a home reflects peoples personality & style! Behind every door there's a meaning! So i did some research and there's some history, origin and meaning of having a red front door which i thought was so interesting that i wanted to share it! I discovered these meanings from Home curb appeal w/ this interesting info-

"In Feng Shui, a red front door means “welcome.” Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy in which the arrangement and color of objects in a room relates to the flow of energy. The front door is known as the “Mouth of Chi” where energy enters. If you believe in or follow Feng Shui, painting your front door red would create welcoming energy.
A red door means “welcome” in an old early American tradition. If a family had a red front door tired travelers traveling by horse and buggy would know that a home was a welcoming place to rest. They would be able to spend the night there.
A red door provides protection. In Biblical times, the Hebrew slaves were instructed to smear blood of a lamb on their front doors to protect their first born from the angel of death. In old Catholicism churches painted the doors of the church red to represent the blood of Christ. Passing through the door would mean that you were on holy ground. Some believe a red door protects the occupants from evil.
A red front door means mortgage-free. In Scotland, homeowners would paint their front door red to signify that they had paid off their mortgage."~home curb appeal

Interesting huh! when i read this, I'm leaning more towards the last 2 meanings!!! *wink, wink* Well the true meaning behind our Red door is that it represents LOVE, PASSION & POSITIVE VIBES for the Nop household!!!  We are looking forward to building memories in our new home on our journey called life, together forever as a family! Glory to God in all that we do!

First time entering through our red door!

SMILE & embrace every moment in life! 
“We need to stay focused on our own definition of success,” ~a. Morin

much love to all *wink* ~OopsieDaisy

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