Saturday, July 18, 2015

Wow celebrating a decade of love!

3rd post in and I never introduced myself until now! I was just waiting for the 3 "dates" in rule whatever rule that may be! Anywho, My name is Daisy Nop, I have many roles in my life, first and foremost i'm a stay at home mommy...more like "stay at work" full time mommy~ proud wife & mother to my 3 beautiful munchkins, I'm also a daughter, a sister, a dreamer, a friend & a freelance Make-up Artist! I sacrificed my career & put it on hold b/c I've always dreamt about being a mother one day and now that dream became a reality w/ my 3 little angels God has blessed us with! So my priorities are raising my children & instilling a strong foundation w/ morals & values so they have the tools to become successful & be difference makers in this world! Careers come & go but Family is forever in my book of life! The arts always inspired me & growing up looking through fashion magazines -Make up was always an inspiration to me! In a nutshell, after graduating college i moved to LA to get my certification in Make up Artistry & that was the best decision i made because i love what i do! I love seeing the make-up trends, transformations, the innovations in cosmetics industry & other artists that inspire me to be a better Make-up Artist!

Soon i will be leaving to Portugal to celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary w/ the love of my life, my best friend! I love that we can experience these adventures together & to be inspired by the beauty of the different cultures of the world. These opportunities are a blessing & I'm so grateful that God provides us the resources & the blessing of our marriage all these years! My hubby truly brings out the best in me & encourages me to be better and still loves me even at my worst! Words can't express my love for him! What a great way to start off my 3rd blog with reaching this milestone in my life & marriage! woot woot! Oh yeah! Our wedding anniversary was in April but we couldn't take a trip until now b/c of my daughter's school year! Speaking of my kids, i am crying a river when i was packing last night b/c this is our first trip overseas w/o my kids! We go everywhere w/ our kids & it will definitely feel weird to be "kid-less" LOL ahhhh too many thoughts & emotions are running through my head because i miss them w/ all my heart but i know they will be in great hands w/ my awesome big sis & Charles (my bro in law) who is graciously taking care of them for us this week!!! Also, my girls adore being w/ their big cousin, Charlize so much!!! I love you guys so much! Having a great family support system is truly a blessing!

So anyways i am blogging today b/c i don't know if i'm going to be able to post anything while i'm overseas! If i get some wi fi you'll see some posts on FB or instagram so follow me if you like @daisy.nop_mua or @daisynop (instagram) i will probably post as i go!

I am so proud of myself b/c this momma packed really light for this trip!!! me, i was surprised too!!! hehe!! since we are overseas i didn't want to account for too many things so packing light is a must! Organization is a must when i pack...
Some awesome facts & sales you happy bargain shoppers would probably want to know~ those Girlfriend jeans in the center, i only paid $10 & some change for them!!! Also, it was an added plus b/c I used my Gap rewards that is why i paid 10 but right now they are $15.99 - big sale at the Gap! Click on the link to shop if you're interested in the steal deal!!!

Since i knew we were going to travel I've been camera shopping for a new DSLR that does pics & video....So i been a Nikon gal for the longest time now & i feel like i'm cheating but i'm trying out this new beauty that i purchased a couple of days ago on QVC...

Canon Rebel SL1 18MP DSLR w/ 18-55mm & 75-300mm USM Lenses

I can't wait to use this baby & i hope that it won't disappoint me on this trip! It came just in time for our trip!

Also, I've been looking for a "white' camera b/c i'm obsessed w/ everything white! I've been wanting to upgrade my Dslr for the longest time bc i wanted something w/ HD video feature basically an all in one camera! So i tuned into QVC and this TSV (Today's Special Value) bundle on Canon came on, i watched the presentations & read the reviews on this Canon Rebel and decided to order this baby on QVC. I felt like it was an awesome deal b/c everything was included in this bundle: the Camera & the 2 lenses, the accessories ~bag, charger, strap, charger, self help dvd. If everything was purchased separately it would have added up to lots of money spent! I can't wait to try it out & capture the memories on our trip! I'm not a professional photographer but i'm a basic snap shot taker & love capturing every precious memory so i needed a camera that will do the Job! i will post some photos from the camera soon in my next blog post! If you are interested in checking out the Canon rebel bundle deal that i got on QVC just click on this link to shop:$uslarge$

Well that's it for me, signing off w/ a goofy selfie!!! Boa noite (Goodnight) to all...i gotta learn some Portuguese!!! 

Much love to all ~ OopsieDaisy 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beauty tips that go a long way

As a make up artist i always get questions about what are some beauty tips that i can share w/ people. Well i have 5 simple beauty tips that will go a long way for you through any season! Also i will include the products that i use in my daily beauty routine! The tips that i will be sharing is pretty much common knowledge, things that we know we are suppose to do, but we choose not to do it or it's a matter of our priorities in our lifestyle. I totally understand so I won't take any offense if you don't like these tips b/c i never said i was a beauty doctor ...just a Make up artist :-) So here goes ...

1. Have a skincare routine and make a habit to do it daily (am & pm) - I think it's very important to have a regular skincare routine if you want to maintain great skin no matter how old you are! Everyone has different types of skin so pick a brand that will meet your skincare needs! Even if you are born w/ perfect skin...hmmm does that exist? If you have perfect skin, we secretly don't like you shhhh j/k!!!! Having a sense of humor will go a long way too! *wink* I love everyone! well ok even if you do have perfect skin or troubled skin i still think skincare is essential in our daily routine to help maintain balance in our skin & help prevent certain things from happening like wrinkles, acne, dark spots, etc the list goes on! When i am doing make up on myself or a client, i picture our face~ it represents a canvas and when we paint our canvas it's nice to have a clear smooth canvas to paint on. So if we want a smooth canvas it's all about maintaining the canvas so it makes it easier for make up application.

I've been using this skincare line from Philosophy religiously for about over a year now! i absolutely love how it makes my skin feel & it has transformed my skin into more radiant, younger & make up ready skin! Got all of my supersized bottles from QVC!! i will be blogging about this soon!!!

 2. spf protection - We all need some vitamin D in our lives but always protect your skin from the sun, rain or shine! Wear spf to prevent skin cancer, age/dark spots, wrinkles and whatever you can think of that the sun can do to our skin! The Sun doesn't discriminate so I always wear sunglasses to protect my eyes & hats for extra coverage for my face. The sun can damage the layer underneath our skin and we don't realize it until it's too late! but it's never too late to wear spf protection! Tanning makes you look great but in the long run it's not the best for your skin when you expose your skin to the sun too much! I always picture, a bread that's been toasted too long = burnt skin! well the point is, too much of anything is bad for you so moderation is key! If you'd like an alternative, I highly suggest self bronzers or spray tans or Vitamin D supplements (consult your doctor)! Below are some beauty products that i use daily to help w/ anti aging & sun protection:

I use this moisturizer everyday since it launched this summer: Philosophy-Ultimate miracle worker w/ spf 30 for face & eyes
Protecting my eyes from the sun w/ my classic Ray ban wayfarer! Simple way to keep wrinkles away!
Wearing a Fedora hat & floral shirt by Gap ~ not only it's a great summer look but wearing this cute hat gives me extra protection for my face!

You can achieve a natural looking tan w/ this Brazilliance Maracuja self tanner by Tarte

3. using the right tools for make up application- it's crystal clear, if you're not using the right tools it will be kinda hard to achieve your look & technique. Every brush has a purpose! Take the time to find out which ones you need, learn how to use it & don't be afraid to ask questions to the person who sold you the make up brush! worse thing you could do is buy an expensive brush & not know what in the make up world how to use it! You're wasting your time & money! Nowadays you can find very inexpensive brushes that will do the same job as the expensive brand name ones! To each it's own ~ don't ever let anyone tell you that one brush is better to use b/c it is a matter of preference & not everyone has the same preference! I am a Make up brush junkie ...ok make up junkie too! At least i admit it! I use a variety of tools that range from the best of the best or even some drugstore brands but yes these tools have helped me achieve great looks on clients & myself!
This is what it looks like when i'm cleaning/shampooing my brushes! you gotta sanitize your brushes!

Make up brushes by Tarte ~ i mainly travel w/ these!

a very cute set from Bare minerals

4. drink lots of water - need i say more? water is just simply good for you so drink it! 8 cups a day!

5. sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i just love this sleeping picture of my youngest daughter (who isn't an infant anymore :-( ~ i had to share it b/c she sleeps so peacefully! She's a great sleeper! I get so jealous just staring at my kids sleep! A mommy's job never ends but i make it a priority to rest my body, mind & soul to keep up w/ my little munchkins!! Sleep is so essential and so important to a persons health & well being! They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing!!! :-p
My sleeping beauty!!
Well those are the 5 simple beauty routines i make a habit of incorporating into my lifestyle!!! very simple!
Ok nighty night & sleep tight this momma is signing off!!! I have to practice what i preach so i'm going to go get some sleep!!! zzzzz
much love to all ~ OopsieDaisy

Here's a link to my instagram follow me @daisy.nop_mua ... this is where i post most of my make up pics!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New to the Blog world! new Blogger in the (new) house! :-0

Hello Blog world! I am so excited because this is my first blog! Wait... i considered a blogger now!?? LOL  i will be sharing my journey of my "oopsie Daisy" LIFE blogging about my hobbies & passions~ God, family, Make up, fashion, health, food, home decor & Love! I want this platform to be inspirational to others so please no negativity allowed! Also, i hope people can relate to my passions & joys in Life ...and of course have a great read! Life is so precious & i celebrate life everyday because God has given my life so much meaning through the ups & downs, blessings & trials of life's journey that i want to spread the love & light to others through blogging. So lets get this blogging started!

So it's been a crazy past couple of months! Moving isn't fun! It was bittersweet to say goodbye to our 1st home (newly build townhouse) of 5 years! We had great memories there but we are ready to build more memories in our new home! We bought a new single home...well more like we built a new construction home :-) Yay we are the first to live in it & i am hoping this will be our last move! It's a nice upgrade from our townhouse since our family is growing and need more space! Our girls are loving the new home! It's been about 2 months since we've settled in & everything still feels like a dream so we occasionally have to pinch ourselves to make sure it's real!!! This has been one of our dreams & goals to live in a home that we built together and here we are! It took a lot of hard work, teamwork, SAVING, discipline & trust in the Lord to get to where we are today! I believe that we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God! He always provides more than enough when you have faith, believe in each other & persevere towards your goal! Everything in our house reflects both my husband & I style and personality! I admit my hubby gave me most of the control to pick out all the interiors & exteriors to our house ...boy does he trust & Love me! I had a blast being involved in the process and i give so much props to the builders, contractors, architects, interior designers (all involved) etc w/ all their skills, vision & trade that contributed to our beautiful new home! There were ups & downs in the process of building a new home (good stress)  In the end, we both approved of everything and that's all that matters! We are both so very happy w/ the outcome of our place we call home sweet home! Here's a few pics through our building process (i only picked out the fun ones lol)

day 1- breaking ground building a strong foundation is very important! 

love seeing the progression of the house
ok i was super happy about how awesomely huge my walkin closet will be!
Truly humbled by this journey & what a blessing to own this new beauty we can all our home!

Sold :-) here we are cheesing in front of our new home! It was nice that we closed on the house a few days before our 10 year wedding anniversary! A nice gift for the both of us to enjoy!

I've gotten a lot of compliments from neighbors, family & friends about my red door! I absolutely love it too! I totally believe that the exterior & interior of a home reflects peoples personality & style! Behind every door there's a meaning! So i did some research and there's some history, origin and meaning of having a red front door which i thought was so interesting that i wanted to share it! I discovered these meanings from Home curb appeal w/ this interesting info-

"In Feng Shui, a red front door means “welcome.” Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy in which the arrangement and color of objects in a room relates to the flow of energy. The front door is known as the “Mouth of Chi” where energy enters. If you believe in or follow Feng Shui, painting your front door red would create welcoming energy.
A red door means “welcome” in an old early American tradition. If a family had a red front door tired travelers traveling by horse and buggy would know that a home was a welcoming place to rest. They would be able to spend the night there.
A red door provides protection. In Biblical times, the Hebrew slaves were instructed to smear blood of a lamb on their front doors to protect their first born from the angel of death. In old Catholicism churches painted the doors of the church red to represent the blood of Christ. Passing through the door would mean that you were on holy ground. Some believe a red door protects the occupants from evil.
A red front door means mortgage-free. In Scotland, homeowners would paint their front door red to signify that they had paid off their mortgage."~home curb appeal

Interesting huh! when i read this, I'm leaning more towards the last 2 meanings!!! *wink, wink* Well the true meaning behind our Red door is that it represents LOVE, PASSION & POSITIVE VIBES for the Nop household!!!  We are looking forward to building memories in our new home on our journey called life, together forever as a family! Glory to God in all that we do!

First time entering through our red door!

SMILE & embrace every moment in life! 
“We need to stay focused on our own definition of success,” ~a. Morin

much love to all *wink* ~OopsieDaisy